Gary Fong unboxes the A7II. And new A7II tests.

Gary Fong unboxed and tested the new A7II.

Sony a7II First Impressions + Sample Photos at ChipChick.
First impressions at ThePhoBlographer.
A7II Studio Shot comparison at Dpreview.
Henry’s Canada is also doing a hands on demo w/the camera on Fri Dec 12th.
Full review at Mobile01.

USA/Canada preorders:
Sony Alpha a7II (Body Only) for $1,698 at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, SonyStore and Sony Store Canada.
Sony Alpha a7II with FE 28-70mm OSS Lens for $1,998 at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, SonyStore.
Sony 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 G SSM II Lens for $1,148 at BHphoto.

EU preorders:
Sony Alpha a7II (Body Only) for 1.799 Euro at Sony Germany, Sony UK, Jessops UK, Sony France, Sony Italy, Sony Spain, Sony Austria, Sony Switzerland, Sony Netherland, Sony Belgium, Sony Portugal, Sony Sweden, Sony Finland, Sony Norway.
Sony Alpha a7II with FE 28-70mm OSS Lens for 2.099 Euro at Amazon Germany, Wex UK, Jessops UK, Verkkokauppa.

Asian/Australia preorders:
Sony A7II at Sony Store Australia and Amazon Japan.
A7II vs A7 by Mobile01.

Impressive Sony A7II on sensor stabilization video test with SAL70400G and Minolta MD 135mm lens.

On left 5 axis on and on right 5 axis off (Source: Mobile01).

Note: The A7II is shipping at Amazon Japan. Will ship from Tuesday on Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, SonyStore!

Here are new Sony A7II stabilization tests:

First the bad news: It’s still not official but it really looks like manual focusing third-party lenses will indeed benefit from the 3 axis stabilization only. But maybe that’s something can easily upgrade in future if SAR reader will make some pressure on them :)

And now the good news: There are new stabilization test videos you have to check out. It really shows how impressive the difference is between having or not having the new A7II on sensor stabilization system. After watching this you will a hard time to buy any other A7 camera without the stabilization!

Amazing! Also the “limited” 3 axis stabilization on the [shoplink 31489 ebay]Minolta MD 135mm lens[/shoplink] does wonder. One more stabilization test has been posted on Mobile01. Justs croll down to the two (10pics series) of pictures taken with and without the stabilization.

What do you think? If you find more test feel free to post them all on our forum thread:

USA/Canada preorders:
Sony Alpha a7II (Body Only) for $1,698 at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, SonyStore and Sony Store Canada (Click here).
Sony Alpha a7II with FE 28-70mm OSS Lens for $1,998 at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, SonyStore.
Sony 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 G SSM II Lens for $1,148 at BHphoto.

EU preorders:
Sony Alpha a7II (Body Only) for 1.799 Euro at Sony Germany, Sony UK, Jessops UK, Sony France, Sony Italy, Sony Spain, Sony Austria, Sony Switzerland, Sony Netherland, Sony Belgium, Sony Portugal, Sony Sweden, Sony Finland, Sony Norway.
Sony Alpha a7II with FE 28-70mm OSS Lens for 2.099 Euro at Amazon Germany, Wex UK, Jessops UK, Verkkokauppa.

Asian/Australia preordersNote:
Sony A7II at Sony Store Australia (Click here) and Amazon Japan (Click here).

New A7II hands-on reports. And win the camera a Sony Electronics’ Alpha Tweet Sweepstakes.

The Sony A7II will ship soon in US/EU and as a consequence more and more reviewers are getting their hands on the camera. Here are two more preview reports:

Steve Huff writes:

Sony is kicking ass and I have yet to use a camera this year that feels as good, looks as nice and performs like this one. No Fuji, no Olympus, No Leica, No Nikon has done it. The A7II makes the Nikon Df feel like a toy in the hand, that is how much better it feels over the A7 Mark I. I love the Nikon Df, it is the only DSLR I would own (and did for a while) but the A7II has shown that Sony still means business and they are not backing down.

Colby Brown writes:

While I am used to the shutter button on my a7r and a7s, the new shutter release button not only feels more natural in its new position, the button itself feels more responsive. It is larger and better built as well, making it easier to press down. While the camera is certainly faster to turn on, I wouldn’t exactly say it has an “instant on” feature. It still has to wait half a second from when I flip the on switch. Either way, there is an improvement.

Note: Sony US (Click here) is giving away one A7II and one A6000 camera

USA/Canada preorders:
Sony Alpha a7II (Body Only) for $1,698 at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, SonyStore and Sony Store Canada (Click here).
Sony Alpha a7II with FE 28-70mm OSS Lens for $1,998 at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, SonyStore.
Sony 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 G SSM II Lens for $1,148 at BHphoto.

EU preorders:
Sony Alpha a7II (Body Only) for 1.799 Euro at Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony Italy, Sony Spain, Sony Austria, Sony Switzerland, Sony Netherland, Sony Belgium, Sony Portugal, Sony Sweden, Sony Finland, Sony Norway.
Sony Alpha a7II with FE 28-70mm OSS Lens for 2.099 Euro at Amazon Germany and at Wex UK. In Finland at Verkkokauppa.

Asian/Australia preordersNote:
Sony A7II at Sony Store Australia (Click here) and Amazon Japan (Click here).

New A7II tests at SLRclub and Quesabesde (with first shutter noise test video).

The Sony A7II shutter sound test by SLRclub

We have some enw A7II tests to report!

First a reminder: Sony A7II (or ILCE-A7m2) can be preorderd (again) at Amazon US and at Sony Europe stores at Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony Italy, Sony Spain, Sony Austria, Sony Switzerland, Sony Netherland, Sony Belgium, Sony Portugal, Sony Sweden, Sony Finland, Sony Norway.

1) The Korean site SLRclub posted the full review (google translation here). And there are some great Sony A7II AF test videos on youtube. There is also a 5 axis test video (Click here) and an autofocus speed test (Click here). They also posted that shutter tets video you see on top of this post. As usual keep in mind that keeping the recording camera on table dramatically increases the vibrations and therefore the noise. And the lens is also off. Therefore dear readers (and reviewers)…be warned of such videos ;)

2) On Youku you can see two videos, on comparing the A7 vs A7ii switch on time (guess who is faster) and an A7II autofocus demo.

3) The Spanish site Quesabesde (google translation here) posted that Youtube hands-on video you can see here below. They also said the quality differences between pictures taken with and without 5axis stabilization “are evident“.

P.S.: Post your A7II buying (or not buying) motivations at SonyAlphaForum.

USA preorders:
Sony Alpha a7II (Body Only) for $1,698 at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, SonyStore.
Sony Alpha a7II with FE 28-70mm OSS Lens for $1,998 at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, SonyStore.
Sony 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 G SSM II Lens for $1,148 at BHphoto.

EU preorders:
Sony Alpha a7II (Body Only) for 1.799 Euro at Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony Italy, Sony Spain, Sony Austria, Sony Switzerland, Sony Netherland, Sony Belgium, Sony Portugal, Sony Sweden, Sony Finland, Sony Norway.
Sony Alpha a7II with FE 28-70mm OSS Lens for 2.099 Euro at Amazon Germany and at Wex UK. In Finland at Verkkokauppa.

That Philip Bloom a7S Seminar will make you want to buy the A7s now :)

If you have some spare time watch this great Philip Bloom Sony a7S seminar video (courtesy of BHphoto). Philip is not only a very good filmmaker but also a very good teacher. Current A7s owners could learn quite some things from the video. And at the end of the seminar non A7s owners will probably be tempted to grab their credit card to buy the camera the second after the seminar video ends :)

If you have not so much time just watch the video from minute 20 to understand why the A7s is so special! Thanks Philip for sharing all your insights on the A7s!

Sony A7s store links:
Sony A7s in USA/CA at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sony USA, Sony Canada.
Sony A7s in Eu at Sony DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, BE, AT, CH, SE, NO, FI, PL. And Wex UK.
A7s Gariz leather case in [shoplink 27569 ebay]Black (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 27570 ebay]Brown (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 27571 ebay]Red (Click here)[/shoplink] and [shoplink 27572 ebay]Orange (Click here)[/shoplink].

Big 3Dkraft wide angle test: New Zeiss 16-35mm outperforms the $5,200 Leica Tri Elmar!


3D-Kraft (Click here) made the very first serious wide angle lens comparison between the new Zeiss 16-35mm FE lens and those other lenses:

  • Olympus OM Zuiko Auto-W 21mm f/3.5
  • Voigtlander Ultron 21mm f/1.8 ASPH
  • Leica Wide Angle Tri Elmar (WATE) 16-21mm f/4 ASPH
  • Leica Super Elmar 21mm f/3.4 ASPH

And at the end on the Sony A7r the new Zeiss even outperforms the [shoplink 30684 ebay]$5,200 Leica Tri Elmar[/shoplink]! Of course note that the A7r is not really M-mount lens wide angle friendly. But it’s good to know the Zeiss 16-35mm FE is that good! 3D-Kraft writes:

At open aperture, the Sony/Zeiss FE 16-35 beats all other lenses and at 16mm it performs best. It delivers high and consistent performance across the whole focal length range only getting a bit weaker at the long end (35mm). It has the least vignetting and the good results at open aperture together with the optical stabilization make it a winner also for videos at low light.

New 16-35mm Zeiss FE lens store links:
USA/Canada  at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sony Store US, Sony Canada.
Europe at Sony DE, UK, ES, IT, FR, CH, AT, NL, BE, FI, SE, NO, PT.
Australia and Asia at Sony AUS, Amazon Japan and Digitalrev.