First images of the first M-mount to E-mount autofocus adapter. And new videos too!


Finally we can see the first images of (and taken with) the world’s first M-mount to E-mount autofocus adapter! A full report can be read at Advancegearbymx (google translation here). And here are some more detailed new test videos:

Techart AFM Leica M Lens AF adapter test – [shoplink 44078 ebay]Leica Summicron M 35mm f/2 (eBay)[/shoplink].

Techart AFM Leica M Lens AF adapter test – [shoplink 44079 ebay]Minolta Rokkor-M rokkor 28mm (eBay)[/shoplink].

Techart AFM Leica M Lens AF adapter test – [shoplink 44080 ebay]Zeiss Biogon 25mm f/2.8 ZM (eBay)[/shoplink].

Techart AFM Leica M Lens AF adapter test – [shoplink 44081 ebay]Angenieux 90mm f2.5 exakta mount (eBay)[/shoplink].

Techart AFM Leica M Lens AF adapter test – [shoplink 44082 ebay]Leica Summicron M 90mm f/2 (eBay)[/shoplink].

The lens will ship in late January for $349 on [shoplink 44083 ebay]eBay (auctions still not listed)[/shoplink].

New Sony Artisans tutorial videos: “Beauty Portrait” by Miguel Quiles and “A7 audio solutions” by Patrick Murphy-Racey

We got two new tutorial videos from Sony Artisans that might be very helpful for the SAR comunity:

Sony Artisan Miguel Quiles realized that video for Adorama:

“In this video you’ll learn how to use a one light setup to create a stunning beauty image. Sony Artisan of Imagery Miguel Quiles will breakdown everything you need to know, including gear, lighting, settings, and much more!”

And Patrick Murphy-Racey posted a tutorial about the audio Options for Sony Alpha:

“For a long time, my rubbermaid bin of audio gear has grown. Some of it I bought used and never even tried. In this video, I took all my stuff as well as my buddy Brian’s and we tested everything we had on the Sony A7RII. All of the equipment we tested will work with most Sony still cameras as well as some video cameras as well such as the A7, A7R, A7S, A7RII, A7SII, RX10, RX10II, A99V, A77II, AX100, AX33, etc… There are a ton of audio solutions for Sony!”

Shooting a Video on the Sony A7II with a 136 Years Old Lens (by Mathieu Stern)

Mathieu Stern shot this video with a 136 Years Old Lens used on the Sony A7II:

The Lens is incredibly sharp for a 136 years old simple metallic lens, from my test it’s even sharper than most of my modern canon lenses, the results are amazing … but it also gives some strange lens flares and light leaks that are pretty dreamy ( some would say it’s horrible )
if you want to see how the photographies looks with this lens visit my blog :…

found via PetaPixel.

The Burj Khalifa – Dubai – UAE shot (by Minas Stratigos)

post-4744-0-51401900-1451946824Minas Stratigos on SonyAlphaForum
Burj Khalifa – Dubai
Shot with a6000, Sony 10-18 OSS lens
Please visit my flickr profile for more photos

I noticed Minas Stratigos Burj Khalifa shot got some attention on SAR and our SonyAlphaForum. People asked how he “created” that image. I asked Minas Stratigos to explain how he took the image. He kindly sent me that guest post article:


I was looking for a view of the Burj Khalifa that would be pleasing to my eye, my aim was to capture the whole building in one frame. I took different shots from around the building and I selected this photo as it had the best composition. I wanted to show not only the height of the building (tallest artificial structure in the world – 829.8 meters) but also its massive volume.
I was disappointed because the day I was there the sky was bright blue with no clouds in sight (I was looking for a long exposure to catch a few cloud streaks), so that’s when I decided that my image would have a black sky with different shades of white. I envisioned my photo to lead the eye from a total black look at the bottom to a bright top through different zones of B&W.

I use to follow a specific workflow to create my images, see below the basic steps I follow:

in Adobe Camera Raw
Clean spots if any,
Level and crop the image,
Adjust exposure, contrast, highlights etc and then open the file in CC 2015
in Photoshop
Reduce noise where required (by the way, with Sony a6000 I get less noise than my brand new A7RII in long exposures)
Create luminosity masks on the colored image
Create the hard selection (usually to isolate sky from buildings but not only)
Convert to B&W, usually three exposures Under, Normal, Over
Darken the sky
Work on different layers, based on the normal exposure and adjust contrast by using luminosity masks, curves, levels and gradients
Create the lights based on the envisioned image using gradients and brushes
Add grain
Dodge and Burn layer (50% grey, soft light)
Selective sharpening with one or more high pass filters
Final retouches

This image was shot with the Sony a6000 and my favorite lens the E 10-18mm F4 OSS at 13mm (I even use it with the a7RII, works well between 13-16mm), f8, 1/250 and ISO 100
For more of my images and updates online visit either my flickr account
Or 500px

New Commlite Nikon F to Sony E test video (with Nikon and Tamron F mount lenses).

Sharpest Light Limited posted that new video shot on the Commlite Nikon F autofocus adapter:

Commlite Nikon F to Sony E Electronic adapter will be shipped out of the factory in next week. The adapter firmware to be launched will be version 2.0 rather than version 1.0 currently on our hand. Commlite promises that focus performance for the long range lens will be improved. The supporting list will be finalized in this week.

Lenses tested on video:
00.05 [shoplink 43868 ebay]Nikon 300mm F2.8[/shoplink]
02.00 [shoplink 43869 ebay]Nikon 12-24mm F2.8G AF-S[/shoplink]
03.00 [shoplink 43869 ebay]Nikon 12-24mm F2.8G AF-C[/shoplink]
03.40 [shoplink 43870 ebay]Tamron 35mm F1.8[/shoplink]
04.10 [shoplink 43871 ebay]Tamron 45mm F1.8[/shoplink]
05.03 [shoplink 43872 ebay]Tamron 15-30mm F2.8[/shoplink]
05.26 [shoplink 43873 ebay]Tamron 150-600mm F5.6-6.3[/shoplink]
06.00 [shoplink 43874 ebay]Tamron 16-300mm F3.5-5.6 APSC[/shoplink]
06.30 [shoplink 43875 ebay]Tamron 17-50mm F2.8 APSC[/shoplink]

This is the resolution difference between the Phase One Sony 101 MP and A7rII 42MP sensor!


Brianandcamera created that illustration to show the resolution difference between the new Phase One 101 Megapixel Sony sensor and the rest of the digital world. Brian writes:

I had a bit of trouble wrapping my head around it. I currently shoot on a 24MP body and the difference between their old camera and the new (80 -> 100) was basically my camera. I wanted a frame of reference, so I dug up some filesize information and created the guide below. I grabbed one of the 100MP tiffs and compared the dimensions:

There is also a massive original non resized version posted by PetaPixel on Flickr.