SAR reader Egmont is the first that tried to use the Superb Otus 85mm lens on the Alpa and new Phase One back with Sony 101 Megapixel sensor. This is what he wrote to me:
“Since you guys seem to be big fans of both the Zeiss Otus 85/1.4 and the new Phase One 100MP digital back, I thought I would share this with you. A few days ago we tested the Otus 85/1.4 on an ALPA 12 FPS with Canon adapter and Phase One’s new 100MP digital back.

Full Size image sample can be downloaded via Wetransfer (Click here)
As you can see by the attached image shot at f1.4 of a good friend of mine, it seems to me that besides the vignetting at the corners due to the massive dimensions of the new Sony sensor, the Otus is more than ready for the 100MP+ sensors of the future! I was blown away by the revolving power of the Otus 85mm even at its biggest aperture….”
And if you wonder if the Otus can cover the full medium format sensor size area when you stop down the aperture. He says: “The vignetting is much more controlled at f4 and then almost all gone at f8. ”
You can download the massive full size image samples via Wetransfer (Click here). Be aware that it contains more than 1GB images!!!