Update on the Sony 85mm GM noise issue story

Sony GM 85mm f1/4 FE Focus Noise: AF-S, Manual, AF-C not touching button

Owners of the 85mm GM lens reported about a strange autofocus noise issue (Read reports at SonyAlphaForum, Fredmiranda and Dpreview). In at least a few cases this seems to have caused some scratches inside the lens. This is a picture from Enrico Heller:

It’s always good to get a comparison to get a real feeling of how bad this is. So look at that video from Chris Peterson where he compares the Sony 85mm GM vs Sigma 50mm Art

Roger Cicala posted that useful information at Dpreview:

OK, this is preliminary, but it’s what I have at the moment and all I’ll have until we can tear one down which won’t be until tomorrow probably.

1: All (40) of them make a noise when focusing if you listen. Some are louder than others. I think it’s Piezo motor noise but I can see where some people consider that a scraping sound.
2: Most (over half) have some markings in the inner barrel when you retract the focusing element all the way toward the mount. These vary in location around the lens and whether they are full length of the barrel or simply part way. To me it looks like lube, but it could also be scrapings in the plastic (I don’t think that inner barrel is metal).
2a: In those where the barrel marks only go part way I listened carefully to focus noise throughout the full range. There was no difference. There was also no difference in noise in lenses with, or without, markings on the inner barrel. So again, I don’t think the noise is from scraping, I think it’s from the motor. But, hey, I’m wrong sometimes.
3: I have not seen any lube streaks on inner elements, but that’s fairly common in many lenses so I suspect reports of those are real.
4: Like every wide aperture 85mm I’ve ever seen, all of these have some specs of dust inside if you look with a bright enough light. The glass in an 85 wise aperture really magnifies dust. I don’t see this as any different than what I see in new Canon, Nikon, or Zeiss lenses. Yes, I’m sure your whatever is dust free — if that’s the case I’ve just got brighter lights than you.
5: Just looking I don’t see any dust particles that look like they reflect light like metal shavings would. And again, pending disassembly, the inner barrel doesn’t look like metal to me.
6: I did take one, and only one, lens and focused it back and forth 500 times. I didn’t note a change in noise. That doesn’t mean it might not happen, just didn’t happen on the one I did. And no, I’ve got more to do than another 500 focuses.

Quite a few readers sent back their lens to Sony. But they still did not get any answer from Sony Service (it’s normal as they need some time to evaluate this). Note that this happens with the 85mm GM lens only. The 24-70mm GM lens has no issue at all.

GM lens store links:
85mm f/1.4 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.
24-70mm f/2.8 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.

You can now preorder the new Venus Optics Laowa 105mm f/2 E-mount lens for $699!


You can now preorder the new Venus Laowa 105mm f/2.0 Full Frame E-mount lens for $699 at BHphoto (Click here). There is a review of the lens just posted by 3Dkraft (Click here). His conclusion is

  • Since 1999, the Minolta / Sony 135mm f/2.8 (T4.5) is the classic STF telephoto lens implementation available only for A-mount and providing an unbeatable smooth bokeh together with outstanding sharpness. It is quite sensitive against flares and contrast reduction when shooting against bright light and with 135mm it is already quite long for a portrait lens. With a transmission of T4.5 it is no low light lens, so you should be careful to have enough light when shooting with short shutter times.
  • The Zeiss Batis 1.8/85 is my favourite portrait lens due to its good overall performance. It provides AF (including the most helpful eye-AF) and optical stabilization and for that performance it is quite compact and lightweight. Bokeh is sometimes a little bit harsh and nervous and CAs are less good controlled compared to the STF lenses. Flare resistence and contrast are significantly higher when shooting against bright light due to ZEISS’s well known T* coating.
  • The Laowa 105 STF delivers a bokeh as smooth and pleasing as the Sony STF together with very good sharpness right from open aperture but with 105 mm focal length it is more flexible than the longer Sony STF. It is also quite sensitive when shooting against the light. With a transmission of T3.2 it provides about one stop more light than the Sony STF helping to keep ISO lower when shooting with short exposure.

Check out the image samples at 3Dkraft. And if you like the lens place your order at BHphoto.

90mm macro FE test at Photozone: “Sharpness surpasses the DSRL lens competition”


Photozone posted the full Sony 90mm FE macro lens review and there is good news folks:

Sony has come a long way since they entered the system market several years ago. During this journey We became a bit skeptical because of various quality issues. However, it seems as if they are finally getting their act together now. Unlike with their APS-C format lenses we have yet to experience significant centering issues with Sony’s full format E-mount lenses.
The Sony FE 90mm f/2.8 G OSS macro is a good example how things improved. In terms of optical quality it is easily playing on the same levels as its DSLR counterparts. In terms of sharpness the Sony lens has probably surpassed them.

Sony 90mm FE store links at [shopcountry 46487].

85mm GM lens seems to have (temporary?) autofocus noise issues

Crispyphotos on SonyAlphaForum shared that video where you can hear the autofocus ring noise. The noise is heard by all lens owners and is reported on other forums too (Fredmiranda and Dpreview).

Few readers reported that after a couple of hundred shots the noise seems to become less worse. So maybe that’s just a temporary issue that goes away after some use. SAR readers are free to comment thsi post to share their experience!

GM lens store links:
85mm f/1.4 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.
24-70mm f/2.8 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.

Sony a6300 earns the Gold Award at Dpreview

Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-07 um 08.15.33

Dpreview posted the full A6300 review. The camera earned the full Gold Award with the following conclusions:

“The a6300 an exceptionally strong all-round camera. Its still images are a match for the best in its class, its autofocus is similarly strong and its video features and quality are unsurpassed at this price point. I’ve previously found myself admiring Sony cameras more than I enjoyed them, but that video capability and features such as Eye-AF have meant I enjoyed the a6300 in spite of the slightly clumsy user interface.
There are only two other things that risk taking the gloss off the a6300’s all-around excellence: a relatively small and often expensive selection of lenses, and the continued availability of the less expensive and very capable a6000. While the a6300 is a better camera in every possible respect, the a6000 is still a tempting option just because it’s so keenly priced. However, the a6300 outperforms its similarly-priced peers and I think I’d miss the myriad of improvements that the a6300 offers if I went for the cheaper sister model.
Overall, then, the a6300 is a camera where you benefit from putting in the work required to get the best out of it. It’s worth it, though, since it’s probably the most capable stills/video camera I’ve ever used. If the lenses you want are available, unless you really need a specific feature of one of its rivals, it should be at or very near the top of your list.”

GM lens and A6300 store links:
85mm f/1.4 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.
24-70mm f/2.8 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.
A6300 body at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy. Calumetphoto.de. Amazon.de. WexUK. Jessops. Amazon.fr.
A6300 with kit lens at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy. Calumetphoto.de. Amazon.de. WexUK. Jessops.

You can now place your preorder on the newly announced Sony FE lenses and the RX10m3:
FE 50mm f/1.8 at BHphoto. Amazon. Adorama. FocusCamera. Calumet Germany. WexUK. Jessops.
FE 70-300mm at BHphoto. Amazon. AdoramaFocusCamera. Calumet Germany. WexUK. Jessops.
RX10m3 at BHphoto. Amazon. AdoramaFocusCamera. Calumet Germany. WexUK. Jessops.

(Guest post) Full 85mm f/1.4 GM lens review by German Photographer Enrico Heller


The following is a guest post from Enrico Heller (http://eh-photo.de/blog/80). He reviewed the brand new 85mm f/1.4 GM lens that will start shipping the coming days at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.


I recently received my Sony G-Master FE85mm F1.4 and want to share my impressions and testing results with you. I tested the lens on a Sony A7RM2. My mainscope is on rendering and bokeh quality, but I do always begin with checkout the optical quality of a lens. I hope my results will help you.

A 85mm lens is my prefered lens for studio work and on location shoots. I also use it on weddings.

One weak point in the Sony E-Mount system was the missing of a 85mm F1.4. I hope the new G-Master lens will solve this point. I used a Zeiss Batis 1.8/85 on location and the Sony G OSS 90mm F2.8 in studio before. The Batis was a very good lens, but no F1.4 so I sold my Batis. If you interesstet in the Zeiss Batis 1.8/85 you can checkout my comparision with the Sony G OSS 90mm F2.8 (click HERE).

Build Quality and AF

The Sony FE85 F1.4 GM is a very heavy and bulky lens like most other 85mm F1.4 lenses out there. It’s made very solid and feels like a professional lens what it is. There is a very useful focus hold button and aperture ring. For filmer there is also a declick button to make the aperture clickless.

As I unboxed the lens the focus ring sounds a bit scratchy. Like if metal scratches on metal. I read in several forums that there are scratches inside lens so I was a bit afraid. After 500 shots the scratching sound is gone. And there are no scratches inside the lense.  I’m sure that is something like oil or lubricant and this wasn’t all over the contact area. Puhh…

The autofocus was the next challenge. The AF was very loud and was bumping all the time. Continuous AF wasn’t useable for me. The solution and a very IMPORTEND point is to update you camera to the latest firmware! After I updated to v3.1 the AF worked very well. In normal working conditions it nails the focus in AF-S / AF-C and Eye-AF very preceise.
The AF isn’t that fast but fast enough for portrait work. I would not expect more for this kind of lens.

Image Quality


As usally I test new lenses on my testing wall. It is very helpful to find quality issues like with my Sony Distagon T* FE 35 mm F1,4 ZA (check out my test HERE). It also help me to find strength and weak points of my lenses. I always test three zones.

  • A – Center
  • B – Edge
  • C – Corner

The focus distance for the Sony FE85mm F1.4 GM is 2.69m (8.82 ft).

It is always helpful if there is a compentitor to compare and rank the results. I used my Sony G OSS 90mm F2.8 to compare the lenes. The focus distance of the G 90 was 2.99m (9.8ft) to compensate the different focal lenght. The macro lens is the sharpest native lens in the Sony E-Mount, so it is a strong compentitor in this kind of testing.


Zone A – the Center

The results are really good. The G-Master is razor sharp even at F1.4. The lens is sightly better than the Sony G OSS 90mm F2.8 over the full range.


Zone B – the Edge

The good results are shown in the edge again. Even at F1.4 is the edge crisp an clear. The macro lens loses over the full F-Stop range.


Zone C – the Corner

As I have seen the corner I was a bit flashed. This lens is at F1.4 razor sharp even in the Corner. Thats are really amazing results. Sony did a very good job!

The lens is sharper over the full frame than the Sony G OSS 90mm F2.8


Shooting charts worth nothing at the end of the day if you can’t confirm them in real live shots. My cat is a very good vitim to check the lens sharpness in studio.


Both lenses are tak sharp and I’m sure you won’t see a different even at large prints. But you can see the Sony G-Master FE85mm F1.4 is sightly sharper than the macro lens.


You can see one Shot of the same szene at F1.4 in Example Images

As usual I get asked for focus at infinity shots. So I made a landscape comparision shot. I need to say it was a bit windy at this day but I think this shot is good enough to show the performance.

I see more details in the shot from the Sony FE85mm F1.4 GM. It has also more punshy colors.


sidebyside (1)


With disabling the light falloff correction in the A7RM2 there is a noticeable vignetting at F1.4. At F2.8 it is mostly gone. I expected this vignetting wide open like other 85mm F1.4 lenses. Per default I correct this in the camera.



Its mostly the same like vignetting. There is a very sigtly distorsion if you disable the correction inside the camera. But its so minor that you wont see this in a real live picture even if you have the correction disabled. This was one weakness of my Zeiss Batis 1.8/85. Ok this is a portrait lens and distorsion isn’t a problem there but so it’s possible to use the lense for other kind of work too.


Flares and Chromatic Aberrations

In test chart environment you can find well controlled Longitudinal Chormatic Aberrations (LoCA) chromatic aberration.


Here you can see a real live shot with minor LoCa.


I couldn’t found lateral chromatic aberrations on my test charts.


And I also couldn’t see lateral CA on real live images.


Till now I couldn’t see any flares. So I think the lens has no problem with it. But if I get any problems with it, I will update it later.

Rendering and Bokeh

The Bokeh can be rated very various. What one person likes do another person hates. So rank my results for your self. As usally a creamy, smooth bokeh with decent pointed lights is more often prefered.


Sony 85 F1.4 GM Bokeh Balls

The bokeh balls are importend for the rendering because it can redirect the viewers focus from the motive to the out of focus (OOF) area, if the bokeh balls are asymmetric or have markings (onion rings). It also can makes the OOF area more nervous.

Many modern lenes suffering by onion rings as a result of the usage of aspherical elements. For my self I dislike onion rings more than cat eyes (unround bokeh balls). For example the Zeiss Batis 1.8/85 shows a lot of cat eyes but it has no or rarely onion rings. The Sony G OSS 90mm F2.8 shows visible onion rings. That was one reason why I used the G 90mm just in studio.

To test the bokeh balls of the Sony 85 1.4 GM I shot some LED lights with differen apertures. The used focus distance was the minimal focus distance of the lens (0.8m | 2,6 ft), the distance to the lights was 1.5m (4,92ft).

Here you can see the overview:

Here you can see the results:


The Sony G-Master 85 F1.4 produce circular bokeh balls, even diagonally light getting’s almost round bokeh balls. In bright big lights you can see slightly onion rings. I think this amout of onion rings you could not see in real images. Thats a very good result in my eyes. Smaller lights are mostly circular without marking. Stopped down and focus to the LED’s, the lights getting nice sun stars.


I used a difficult szene with leafs and a lot of highlights and shot images from F1.4 until F8

I really like the background blur of the Sony FE85mm F1.4 GM it is very soft, smooth and silky. Pointed lights are not getting a nervous bokeh.

I was a bit afraid to get another “clinical” modern lens, but now I think that lens has it own character. It renders very pleasant and I feel it has a nice three-dimensional look.


I can’t offer final conclusions in that short testing period, but I’m very impressed how good the optical performance of this lens is. There is literaly no real downside for this lens at the moment. The weight and size is what physical can be expected and the AF is fast enough for the task. Sure if I should improve something on this lens it would be the AF speed but I see there no issue.

I will update my conclusions when my testing for rendering and bokeh are done.


Original article and images can be read at http://eh-photo.de/blog/80

Gm lens store links:
85mm f/1.4 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.
24-70mm f/2.8 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.

Ken Rockwell likes the A6300. And 3Dkraft posts first A6300 aerial work.


The usually not so Sony friendly reviewer Ken Rockwell seems to likk the A6300 a lot:

The A6300 is a fantastic little camera. If you think you want one, get one. I love its EVF, speed, tiny size, tough build and great looking pictures in any light — as well as its completely silent operation. It just shoots and shoots and shoots in any light, even with the tiny kit lens.

And 3DKraft posted that first A6300 aerial video:

Some wannabe” tech-gurus” say, the A6300 suffers from strong moiré as it has no 4K optimised low pass filter. I can not confirm this as long as you use the Super35mm 4K mode which downscales the 4K from approx. 6K.

Sony A6300 on DJI Matrice 100 – Aerial Test 4K UHD from Hacky on Vimeo.

Gm lens and A6300 store links:
85mm f/1.4 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.
24-70mm f/2.8 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.
A6300 body at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy. Calumetphoto.de. Amazon.de. WexUK. Jessops. Amazon.fr.
A6300 with kit lens at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy. Calumetphoto.de. Amazon.de. WexUK. Jessops.

You can now place your preorder on the newly announced Sony FE lenses and the RX10m3:
FE 50mm f/1.8 at BHphoto. Amazon. Adorama. FocusCamera. Calumet Germany. WexUK. Jessops.
FE 70-300mm at BHphoto. Amazon. AdoramaFocusCamera. Calumet Germany. WexUK. Jessops.
RX10m3 at BHphoto. Amazon. AdoramaFocusCamera. Calumet Germany. WexUK. Jessops.