New Batis 18mm lens test by 3Dkraft: “This lens is simply amazing!”

Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-02 um 09.24.54
Image courtesy: 3Dkraft

3Dkraft writes:

The Batis 2.8/18 demonstrates an impressive level of optical performance that can be achieved in a compact and lightweight mirrorless full-frame system. Although at the time of this writing there are no lens correction profiles available in Lightroom / Adobe Camera Raw for this super wide angle Batis, I see no demand for it as the results were almost free from distortion and vignetting. Only at open aperture you may see a need to correct some minimal CA at extreme contrast edges. Resolution, contrast and color richness are excellent even when you shoot against direct sun light. The autofocus works fast and reliable, it may be helpful especially at open aperture when playing with depth of field in the close-up range. This lens is simply amazing!

BAtis 18mm hands-on videos:
Zeiss Batis 18 f/2.8 initial impressions by Artur Kociola on Youtube.
Zeiss Batis 2.8/18 – 18mm Super Weitwinkel mit f2.8 an der Sony a7II – on Youtube
Zeiss Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens Unboxing & Quick Look by Digitalrev on Youtube.

Batis 18mm store links at [shopcountry 47045].

New Sigma MC-11 video reviews by David Kilpatrick, Tony Northrup and Cameraguy

Canon to Sony Adapter Review: Sigma MC-11 vs Metabones Mk IV by Tony Northrup

Tony Northrup (video above) and David Kilpatrick (video below) made a good job to tell you how good (or bad) the new Sigma MC-11 adapter is.

Sigma MC-11 with 50mm ART and A7RII by David Kilpatrick

Sigma MC-11 Adapter Updated Review with Video and Autofocus Samples on a6300

The Sigma MC-11 adapter is in Stock for the first time at Amazon US (Click here).

First Sony FE 70-300mm preview by Imaging Resource

Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-30 um 17.31.06

Imaging Resource posted a first preview of the new 70-300mm FE lens:

The I.S. system did its job though, and the image turned our fairly sharp, though the depth of field is quite shallow so the sharpness is limited to the rather thin plane of focus. There is a slight trace of noise, but it’s not bad at all and likely of the variety easily removed, especially if processing from the RAW file

Autofocus employs a linear actuator which is reported to offer fast and precise AF performance, and I found this to be true in my own shooting experiences. On the A7 II I rarely had to wait for much if any “hunting” except a few times when the light got low at dusk.

New FE lens store links:
FE 70-300mm at BHphoto. Amazon. AdoramaFocusCamera. Calumet Germany. WexUK. Jessops.
FE 50mm f/1.8 at AmazonBHphoto. Adorama. FocusCamera. Calumet Germany. WexUK. Jessops.

New A63000, 85mm GM and Sigma 30mm reviews!

from Taiwan published a full 85mm GM review with many “sexy” lens images :)

Here are brand new reviews you may be interested to check out:

Photographyblog reviewed the 85mm GM lens:

The Sony FE 85mm f/1.4 GM is an outstanding prime lens for portraiture, offering a winning combination of sharpness and very appealing bokeh. Shooting at the maximum f/1.4 aperture does reveal a minor reduction in sharpness, but this is already resolved by f/2, and even at this aperture the lens is able to produce beautifully smooth bokeh and completely blurred backgrounds. Vignetting is apparent when shooting wide-open at f/1.4, but quickly disappears as you stop down, while chromatic aberrations are very well controlled.

85mm GM Store links at [shopcountry 47395].

Mirrorlessons compared the Sony a6300 vs. Fuji X-Pro2:

The Fujifilm X-Pro2 is a professional camera that shows what Fujifilm is capable of doing in 2016. It doesn’t have the most impressive numbers if we purely consider specifications, but when it comes to substance, it is one of the best on the market right now.
The a6300 has a more attractive price and its performance is the same, if not slightly better. The video capabilities are clearly superior. If you can cope with some flaws in the user experience, there’s no doubt it is the best mirrorless camera you can find right now when it comes to quality/price.

A6300 Store links at [shopcountry 47396].

Admiringlight tested the new Sigma 30mm f/1.4 E-mount lens:

The Sigma 30mm f/1.4 is a lens that generally performs well for its price point, but it falls short of the outstanding performance of the Art series Sigma mirrorless primes. If you’re shooting closer up, the lens is plenty sharp with nice bokeh and a nice rendering.  It’s also a well-built lens that feels notably better than its $339 price would suggest.  If you plan on using this lens mostly for shooting people or for street work, I think you’ll be very pleased with the 30mm f/1.4. It does a very nice job in these situations, producing images with a really nice look.

Sigma 30mm Store links at [shopcountry 47397].

Imaging Resource posted the Sony A6300 Field Test.

Very first review of the new 50mm f/1.8 FE lens by Mobile01: “surprisingly competent performance”.


The Taiwanese site Mobile01 (google translation here) is the first website publishing a full review of the new Sony 50mm f/1.8 FE lens. They say the lens has a “surprisingly competent performance” on the very demanding high megapixel Sony A7rII. Here are some of their PROS and CONS:

  • Bokeh in the center is good but deteriorates on the corners.
  • It’s not tack sharp wide open but it’s a good performance for the money.
  • It’s prone to purple fringing, flare and ghost
  • fast enough autofocus

The FE 50mm f/1.8 is probably the best bang for the buck FE lens. And it’s set to ship next week at AmazonBHphoto. Adorama. FocusCamera. Calumet Germany. WexUK. Jessops!

New FE lens store links:
FE 50mm f/1.8 at AmazonBHphoto. Adorama. FocusCamera. Calumet Germany. WexUK. Jessops.
FE 70-300mm at BHphoto. Amazon. AdoramaFocusCamera. Calumet Germany. WexUK. Jessops.

Sigma MC-11 tested with Canon lenses. Works just fine!

Sigma MC-11 vs Commlite adapter with Sony A7II and Canon 70-200F4L IS

The new Sigma MC-11 electronic adapter is now shipping through many stores (Check at [shopcountry 47259]). And there is a good news to report. Canon lenses seem to work just fine with it as you can see from those videos: (a6000 with mc11)

Review of Sigma MC-11 with Sigma 120-300 Art (Track&Field)

Thanks Del!

Commlite Nikon G to Sony FE AF adapter open box. And new Leica M autofocus video.

Both Nikon F and Leica M lens owners can finally get autofocus E-mount adapter for their lenses. And here are two new videos about those. On top you can watch the [shoplink 44693 ebay]Commlite Nikon G to Sony FE AF adapter[/shoplink] Open box. And at Weixin you can see the Leica M autofocus adatper in action. A more detailed video test can be seen on that SAR post.

The Commlite can be bought for $349 on [shoplink 44693 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. The Leica M autofocus adapter will be for sale in a few weeks from now.