POLL: Tell Sony what E-mount lenses you want!

Dear readers!
Your vote matters! Let Sony know what new E-mount lenses you want for your NEX camera!

Some notes:
– Please read all the list before voting!
– You can choose a maximum of five lenses.
– Most of the times for the same focal lenght you have different aperture lenses. Usually fast lenses or Zeiss lenses will be very expensive. That’s why you also have slower lens options (if you are on budget or want smaller lenses select that option)
– If you voted a wrong lens contact me. I can change your vote
– The list is very approximative. I learned that everyone has different wishes and I can’t make a list with 300 lenses :) So if you don’t find the lens that exaclty fits your wish try to find a similar lens. What matters is that Sony understands what more or less people is waiting for.
– If I missed to add an important lens contact me. I will add it quickly!
– The list is ordererd by focal lenght (widest lenses on top)

Would you like Sony to launch a pancake FE lens series?

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UPDATED: Alpha lens poll analysis!

10 days ago we launched the Alpha lens poll (the E-mount lens poll will start soon). We had 2681 unique voters (every IP-address has one vote only). Everyone had to choose a maximum of 5 lenses and we had a toal of 11,387 votes.
I have no contact to Sony so I hope Sony is reading our website to evaluate the results :)

So what are the conclusion we can take form the results?
1) To my surprise the most requested lens is the 70-200mm Zeiss. If we sum bot lenses (with 2.8 and the 4.0 aperture) we have a total of 1017 votes (not single voters). 38% of you wanted that lens!
2) The second most requested lens is the 24-105mm f/4 (Zeiss or G). If we sum that with the 24–120mm f/2.8 (probably the 2.8 is an impossible aperture for such a wide zoom range) we have a total of 839 votes (31%)
3) The most requested prime lens is the 35mm f/1.8 (for a low-cost alternative to the G). Combine that with the High-Quality 35mm f/1.4 (Zeiss) 788 votes of people looking for a 35mm (29%)
4) The 50mm f/1.0 SSM (Zeiss) has been voted 402 times (15%). If you combine that with other fast lenses (f/1.2 and f/1.4 and f/1.8) we have a total of 746votes (27%)
5) Both 85mm lenses (1.8 and 1.2) are very requested lenses with a total of 685 votes (25%)

In short, many of you are willing to pay a lot of money for High-Quality lenses like the 70-200mm, 24-105mm and three classic fast ZEISS primes like the 35mm, 50mm and 85mm lens.

I know some of you think that many lenses were redundant. I am not a POLL expert but when I studied Psychology one of the secret to have reliable polls was to repeat the same question in different forms to be sure the person answer is correct. That’s why I have choosen to give similar options. That prooves that the 70-200mm and the 24-105/120mm lenses are really wanted by our readers!
Also the unrealistic options do have a sense to see where people “tends” to vote. Of course there wll be never a 24-120mm f/2.8 lens but the fact that this lens has been voted prooves that wider zoom range lenses with very fast aperture are something that gets attention by the mass.
P.S.: Olympus made the 35-100mm f/2.0 Lens!…so fast zoom lenses are not impossible to make!

Take a look at the final results:

I would prefer to get a...

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Sony Tidbits

Summertime in Wu Kai Sha

Sony NEX-5 review (Fotopolis / google english translation)

Nex5 vs Nex3 (Ganref / google english translation)

Sony 135mm F/2.8 [T4.5] STF review (Kurtmunger)

Fun with the Sony NEX-5 and E 16 f/2.8 wide angle lens (Steve Huff)

New Zeiss 24mm f/2.0 image samples on ZOL (first test with the A700 and the second with the A850)

If Size Really Matters, What’s the Meaning of Micro-4/3 Now? (RiceHigh)

Sony Nex-3 with Nikon lenses (Motimotion.at)

Fitting a Vectis 80-240mm to the NEX (Photoclubalpha)

Sony financial report -> Back in Black (photoscala.de)

Milions of cameras sold by Sony

Sony just posted the new “Q1 FY2010 Consolidated Results” (Click here to download the .pdf report). For the first quarter 2010 Sony had a sales growth of 3.8% and an operating profit of 67 billion yen (about 588 million€). In particular the division  “Consumer, Professional & Devices ” that contains the section” Digital Imaging “can come up with a sales increase of 7% to 889.5 billion yen (about € 7.8 billion). Sonys target for 2010 is to sell 23 million digital cameras! Bring out the new Translucent and A7xx cameras and you will reach the goal! ;)

Source: photoscala.de (google english translation)