More job cuts at Sony (including one camera factory)

A rumored possible FE mount roadmap.

AP reports that Sony will cut jobs in five Japanese factories. One of them makes compact cameras and some interchangeable lenses.

I read some comments on forums saying that this could affect or reduce the interchangeable lens production. I can tell you what I heard from my trusted sources is quite the opposite! Sony is trying to increase their lens production capability. The job cut news has nothing to do with their future lens strategy.

I hope Sony can find a way to increase their lens production without compromising the production quality. We really need so many lenses for the new FE system and obviously also the A-mount system lacks of some important lenses (primes for example). I am pretty sure Sony doesn’t make a lot of money on the cameras itself. They make more money on lenses and accessories. Less cameras and more lenses…that should be their motto :)

Sony A5000 tests and first review (and gets announced in Japan)

α5000 from Sony: Official Video Release (Feature)

With a couple of weeks of delay the A5000 has now be officially announced in Japan too (Source: Sony Japan). In the meantime reviewers already tested the camera:

First imrpessions at Trustedreviews.
Sony Alpha ILCE-5000 Hands-On Preview (ePhotozine).
Sony A5000 Hands-on Photos (Photographyblog).
A5000 first impressions at Polish Optyczne.
Polish A5000 test at Fotopolis (google translated).

EU stores report: Zeiss 24-70mm Shipment delay because of a production issue. Review at SLRclub.

The Zeiss FE 24-70mm shipment just started in Asia. And there is a great review made by SLRclub (no translation available but plenty of nice images!).

The bad news I got in these days is that the production Stock that should have been shipped to Europe has been retired. The reason is a small production error on these batch of lenses. Therefore EU stores will get their lenses with 3-4 weeks of delay.

Zeiss 24-70mm preorders: EUROPE at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, SE, PT USA at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.

Diglloyd: “Photographers Ask Sony to Address the A7R Shutter Vibration Issue”

Diglloyd launched a new call for action for Sony to acknowledge and eventually solve or mitigate (if possible) the A7r Shutter Vibration Issue. This is the original text written by Lloyd Chambers:

Prelude: The following is expressed with a constructive intent: for Sony to take the issue seriously. The “public” request is merely that: acknowledging the issue is necessarily the first step to addressing it. In no way are the signatories implying any legal implications, rather, we simply all hope to see the issue addressed in a satisfactory manner, a sentiment that the first paragraph captures. There is a big win/win possible here; that’s up to Sony to make it happen.

The Sony A7R represents a seminal technical achievement in image quality in a compact and portable package, a development which we applaud. And yet, we are also frustrated by the shutter vibration issue:

1. The Sony A7R shutter vibration issue causes loss of image quality (blur) in shooting. This loss varies, but can be quantified as reducing image resolution to as low as the 12-18-24 megapixel range (or even lower), varying depending on the lens, lens focal length, lens support, tripod stability under varying field conditions, and the shutter speeds involved. Most affected are telephoto lenses and close range (macro) shooting, but the issue is not confined to those areas.

2. We ask that Sony publicly acknowledge the issue as real, and to publicly acknowledge the issue as a current limitation of the camera.

3. We ask Sony to issue a public statement on what *if any* action Sony intends to take to mitigate or eliminate the issue, and on what timeline.

4. We ask Sony to investigate ways to mitigate or eliminate the vibration, including firmware updates implementing a “shutter delay mode”, or ideally, solutions such as an electronic first curtain shutter (EFC) which would eliminate the issue entirely.

5. As professional or serious amateur photographers, we expect a major vendor to stand behind the products it sells, and to detail and to respond to the issues in a forthright and honest manner.

In support and agreement:

see signature list at

Obviously SonyAlphaRumors editor Andrea fully supports this request. Thanks Lloyd and all Photographers for launching that call for action!

Hasselblad to launch 50 Megapixel Sony CMOS sensor-based medium format camera!

Back in November I reported that Hasselblad and Sony would make a joint sensor announcement (Article here). Well, today the rumor became true! And it looks like Hasselblad reads SonyAlphaRumors because the official Hasselblad image teaser says: “The rumours are true“. LOL!

Hasselblad confirmed they will launch the new H5D-50C Medium format camera in March and it features the first CMOS(!) medium format sensor (and I am sure it’s made by Sony!). Here is the full press text (Source: Hasselblad):


Hasselblad is set to launch the world’s first 50MP medium format camera using CMOS sensor technology. The groundbreaking H5D-50c will go on sale in March.

Ove Bengtson, Hasselblad Product Manager said: “This pioneering 50 megapixel CMOS sensor camera is based on our H5D-50 model (here at BHphoto) but will offer a faster capture rate; longer shutter speed capability and much greater ISO performance. It will provide greatly improved Live Video in Phocus and will also be available with Multi-Shot functionality.”

He added: “We believe this will provide a highly compelling option for professional photographers who prefer a more versatile camera that enables them to immediately embrace a wider range of photo-disciplines but still encapsulating the exceptionally high-end image quality associated with Hasselblad.”

Hasselblad’s new CEO Ian Rawcliffe said: “We are extremely excited about this highly adaptable new camera which will offer an even broader palette of shooting options for our high-end customers.

“This is a world-first and underpins Hasselblad’s status at the forefront of camera technology. It will be the first of a number of medium format capture innovations we have planned for the coming months.”

Further information and prices for the new H5D-50c models will be announced in March.

Editor’s note: his could be the beggining for a new era for Sony-Hasselblad. A medium format system to challenge the High End Full Frame camera market???

The Sony Facebook community work roundup!

a57 + 70-200f2.8. Image courtesy by Dave Melges

Last week I invited all SAR readers to share their best work on the SAR Facebook wall (Click here). Well, there are so many pictures there that I cannot post them all on this site!  That’s why a couple of times per months I will only post the three pictures that got the most facebook likes by the SAR community.

I invite you to share and vote the best pictures on SAR’s facebook wall. Let’s start!

Günter KörtnerSonyAlphaRumors. part of a self portrait shoot in a stone pit A99 CZ 50mm 1,4

“Mount Watchmen Zion Utah. Calumet photo picture of the week sept 14th. NEX 7 with Contax G 28mm TRIPOD.” Image courtesy: Randy S.