This is how you shoot a CHEVY commercial with the A7s :)

Cinoflex is shooting a commercial for Chevrolet. And this is how they have “packed” the Sony A7s :)

Don’t worry, you can also use a more “Portable” set:

This is what Cinoflex thinks about the A7s:

The tests are very good. Everything you would expect from this camera. Our specific tests we’re focused on lens fall-off and sensor reaction. The DR was also very surprising, great tonal rendition in the shadows. For this camera the biggest challenge is the infrastructure (for lack of more familiar terms THE RIG). It is important for professional camera crews to use this camera (or any camera) in a traditional fashion, the CINOFLEX, gave the SONY A7S camera that ability. Truly a WOW camera for the quality of the sensor and ability to capture lens fall-off, focus cylinder moves, and the full frame quality image. We are shooting anamorphic Panavision tests soon, that is the true test to see how this camera can make a difference within the marketplace.

This is what we loved about the SONY A7S Camera. Details about this video grab: Camera: SONY A7S PP: SLOG2 Lens: 200mm Stop: T3.1 Color: 3200K SS: 1/50 ISO 3200 ————- so we shot directly into a light to desaturate the image and lose any detail, then we overexposed by 4 stops. The ungraded image is on the right, the graded image is on the left. With very little effort or manipulation we found good contrast, detail, shadows, highlight control, and sharpness was easily recovered. The lens fall off was also very pronounced and truly magnificent.

Sony A7s store links:
Sony A7s preorder in USA/CA at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sony USA, Sony Canada.
Sony A7s EU pages: Sony DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, BE, AT, CH, SE, NO, FI, PL. And Wex UK.
A7s Gariz leather case in [shoplink 27569 ebay]Black (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 27570 ebay]Brown (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 27571 ebay]Red (Click here)[/shoplink] and [shoplink 27572 ebay]Orange (Click here)[/shoplink].

Sony Tidbits…

Sony A7s Review – A week with the A7S from Stephen Nguyen on Vimeo.

A7s review by at Filmbrosmedia.
A7s Nigh test at DSLRmagazine (google translation here).
Japanese SPeedmaster 50mm lens test at Kasyapa.
microCAST: REVIEW – Sony Alpha 7S at Akihabara.
In depth review of the Sony A7s by Josh McLeod.
An anti-chimping post about headshots using Sony mirrorless cameras :) (PMRphoto).
Apple FINALLY released RAW support for a6000 for iPhoto and Aperture.
Sony A7S con lentes de telemétrica (rangefinder) Vs. Sony A7 (CoolFrame).

First image of the new Speedmaster Dark Knight PRO 50mm f/0.95 FE lens.

This is the first image of the new Speedmaster 50mm f/0.95 Full Frame E-mount “Dark Knight” Pro edition lens. It will soon replace the current “normal” version which is sells for $849 at BHphoto or $899 on [shoplink 27366 ebay]eBay[/shoplink].

As reported before these are the improvements of the new version:

1. Improved lens coating, which makes the lens have better performance
2. Filter thread changed to 67mm from 58mm
3. New bayonet lens hood to prevent light flare and improve “back light “s situation performance.

Sony TidBits…

Sony 70-200mm F4 G series FE Lens Review

A7s for Astrophotography at 3D-Kraft.
A7s vs GH4 at DSLRmagazine (google translation here).
capturing still frames off Sony video footage (PMRphoto).

JT:people always asking which 135mm ZA or ZF. Have a look at this:

Andrei:I’m Andrei, a happy new owner of the A7s. As a long time reader, I wanted to share with you a slow motion S-Log 2 evening rain test and some first thoughts.
Everything was shot at 120 fps 270p with ISO values over 3200. Light was less than ideal and I had a hard time getting perfect exposure because of the pouring rain. The lens is the Sony Zeiss Vario-Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS. Shot in S-Log 2, with modified profile, graded with Film Convert.
– The lens is much better than some say. It’s just not as great as the 55mm 1.8 or 35mm 2.8, but OSS is very good and colour reproduction very nice. I’m not a pixel-peeper.
– The A7s held up well in the pouring rain, I only had an umbrella so lots of raindrops spilled on the camera and the lens.
– After some 2 hours of shooting, some blue hot pixels appeared which I noticed only afterwards. Scared, I thought of sending the camera back as it is still new, but then I read online that sony maps out “bad” pixels in software and fixes them on the fly. To force a remap just set the date to a month in advance and turn the camera off. It will take a picture before shutting off, after which they’re magically gone. You can set the date back afterwards. Hope the sensor is fine though…

Jorge:Good story on Sony 50

Mitakon already launches a new “PRO” version of the Speedmasteer 50mm f/0.95 FE lens.

[shoplink 27366 ebay][/shoplink]

This is a small surprise: Mitakon already announced a new “PRO” version of the superfast 50mm f/0.95 Speedmaster Full Frame E-mount lens! The current version sells for $849 at BHphoto or $899 on [shoplink 27366 ebay]eBay[/shoplink]. The lens will be named “The Dark Knight” and have these three major upgrades:

1. Improved lens coating, which makes the lens have better performance
2. Filter thread changed to 67mm from 58mm
3. New bayonet lens hood to prevent light flare and improve “back light “s situation performance.

Note that the current “non-PRO” version is pretty good: 3dKraft (Click here) just posted his Speedmaster 50/0.95 vs. SLR Magic HyperPrime CINE 50mm T0.95 comparison!

via MirrorlessRumors.

Sony TidBits…

User found an error in the custom white balance in the a7s- in the picture profile PP7 (S Log 2)

Review of the Sony RX100 III: Field Test in Rio de Janeiro (Photographyconcentrate).
Sony A7s vs GH4 at Spanish DSLRmagazine.
Polish A5000 review at Optyczne.
A7 review at Bartwronski. And a Voigtlander 40mm lens test on the camera.
Sony A6000 review from NEX 5N user point of view (in Polish) at Tomiga.
Spanish: Sony A7S con lentes de telemétrica (rangefinder) Vs. Sony A7 (Coolframe).

Igor:We’ve recently shot a small S-Log2 test of a newly acquired Sony a7S, stressing it with difficult scenarios like lots of shadows and highlights in one scene. Thought it might be interesting for someone considering whether to the camera or not. Here is the link: