Don’t miss the Black Friday deals in US and Europe

We are getting closer to Christmas and many US and Uk stores started the Black Friday deals. Every day you can find new deals and you might find something interesting for you (let’s hope to see some nice offer on Sony products). If you use those links to purchase something SonyAlphaRumor will get a small commission that helps me to pay monthly sever and mantainance costs. Thanks!

Amazon US: Black Firday deals
Adorama: Daily Deals
BHphoto: Holiday Offers 2010
Amazon UK: Black Friday
Amazon Deutschland: Winter Startverkauf
Amazon France: les Offres Éclair

P.S.: For our italian readers. Today Amazon opened (Click here)

Lensbaby for NEX now in Stock on eBay

[shoplink 4701][/shoplink]

Not all of you may kow that Lensbaby announced new Tilt-shift lenses for Sony at Photokina. Those lenses were first available for US citizens via Amazon (Click here). Now even the rest of the world can get it via [shoplink 4701]Adorama on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. The Lensbaby is actually divided into two parts; the standard Composer optic and a Tilt Transformer, which allows photographers to mount any Nikon lens onto a Sony NEX camera.

Click here: [shoplink 4701]Lensbaby-NEX auctions on eBay[/shoplink]

Thanks Tyson!

(Updated) Micro Four Thirds to Sony NEX adapter

[shoplink 4628][/shoplink]

The very first [shoplink 4628]Micro Four Thirds to NEX lens adapter[/shoplink] is for sale on eBay! That makes it even easier for current Micro Four Thirds user to switch over to the Sony NEX system. The only prolem will be the different sensor size. I suspect Micro Four Thirds lenses will heavily vignette on Sony sensors because of the larger sensor.

Linkt to eBay: [shoplink 4628]Micro Four Thirds to NEX lens adapter[/shoplink]

UPDATE: I fixed the wrong link. Sorry!

Sony A580 in Stock at Adorama, Sonystyle and eBay (NEX-5 double kit deal at Amazon)

[shoplink 4617][/shoplink]

The Sony A580 is in Stock at Adorama, shipping at Sonystyle and there are plenty of [shoplink 4617]A580 auctions on eBay[/shoplink].
I am curious to see the DxOmark Sony A580 results that will probably be posted soon. I have the “feeling” the A580 will perform slightly better than the [shoplink 3617]Sony A55[/shoplink]…

There is another interesting deal at Amazon: Sony NEX5 double lens kit for $799.95 (Click here)

Voigtländer NEX adapter

Just a reminder: The new [shoplink 4488]Voigtländer NEX adapter[/shoplink] are now shipping worldwide!

There are 4 type of adapters on [shoplink 4488]eBay[/shoplink]:
– Voigtländer Adapter from VM for Sony NEX E Mount
– Voigtländer Adapter from Nikon (F) for Sony NEX E Mount
– Voigtländer Adapter from Pentax (K) for Sony NEX E Mount
– Voigtländer Adapter from Contax / old Nikons (SC) for Sony NEX E Mount

[shoplink 4488]Click here to check current adpater auctions on eBay![/shoplink]