Sony Alpha and NEX camera production stopped because of the flood in Thailand!

The huge flood that devasted some regions in Thailand caused the production stop of the Sony factory in Ayutthaya. The japanese magazine Pen (via Amateur Photographer) today reports: “The factory has stopped operation since 6 Oct and the company said it will stop operation until 14.” and that “Operation may resume on Oct 17 depending on the situation“.
Reminder: On October 10th Bloomberg said that “Sony Corp.’s factory in Ayutthaya, which produces digital cameras and lenses, hasn’t suffered major damage from flooding and is operating as normal, Yasuhiro Okada, a Tokyo-based spokesman for the electronics maker, said earlier this week.”
Acccoring to info I got from my sources there are still some Stocks of [shoplink 8452]NEX-5n[/shoplink], [shoplink 8461]A77[/shoplink] and [shoplink 8459]A65[/shoplink] cameras that have already been shipped to worldwide dealers. But it’s very likely that the [shoplink 8454]NEX-7[/shoplink] shipment will be delayed. I repeat this is an unofficial news based on rumors. I hope to get real “facts” soon.