Sony Tidbits…
Casey Neistat switched from the A7sII to the A6500
How Aspect Ratios Affect the Look of Your Pictures (Explora).
Unsharp images from A3000 using self timer and studio strobe (SonyAlphaForum).
FAQ: What is a Macro Lens? (Adorama Learning Center).
Tokina FiRIN f/2 FE MF Review (CameraaJabber).
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Jimmy: “Here’s a video I did comparing the Sony A7rII, canon 5DSR and Leaf credo 50 on image quality, noise, handling and dynamic range.”
Fivepin: “Good morning Photo Enthusiasts, I would like to share my latest accessory review with you on the Sirui EP – 204s. As a guy who owns 6 tripods and no Monopods I figured it was time to remedy that. Sometimes you need one of these because the footprint they use is much smaller than a full tripod. These are great for any social events where there are lots of people that can accidentally bump your gear and ruin your shots. Also they make great external mic or flash stands. To take a closer look at this monopod you can check out my Review here:“