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Ken Rockwell doesn’t like the Sony A55


That review will start a huge discussion on SonyAlphaRumors and elsewhere. After getting tons of positive reviews the Sony A55 camera gets completely “blamed” by the “famous” blogger Ken Rockwell (he usually tests Leica-Nikon-Cony stuff only). He analyzed the pure “photographic” aspects of the camera and came to the conclusion that “I wouldn’t buy one of these, but that’s just me. If you want something similar to a DSLR, but with better video, 10 frames per second and great GPS tagging, check this out. I’m all about photography, not gimmicks like crummy video or GPS.

And:”Image quality is poor, because the A55 lacks some very important image adjustments.” and “Sony could have been brilliant, and made this camera silent. Nope, even without a flipping mirror, the Sony A55 is at least as noisy, and has at least as much sharpness-robbing mechanical vibration as a conventional SLR.”…”Steady Shot doesn’t work as well as VR or IS.”

What’s good? Exposure, AF is good, Ergonomics.

Read his review because he added tons of arguments against the camera. read carefully and please argument why you do or do not agree with his review!

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