(SR3) New 3,8 Million dots EVF for the NEX-7n?
I got this from a new source (Thank You). I was not able yet to confirm it with trusted sources so please take that SR3 ranked rumor with a grain of salt for now ok?
Anyway, the source seems to know that the new NEX-7n has a stunning new Electronic Viewfinder with 3.8 Million dot resolution. That’s almost 60% more resolution than you have on the current NEX-7. The source said it’s very “bright and sharp“.
Reminder: The NEX-7n is rumored to be announced in early April and it may uses a new 24 MP sensor with 1/3 of stop improvement.
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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!