The A99 specs: Do you like the camera?
On Friday I posted the A99 prototype camera specs. I got them via trusted sources so I expect them to be very reliable although small changes can still be made for the final production version. I can add some info from unconfirmed rumors (SR3) saying that there will be a 3 Megapixel OLED viewfinder and a more reliable info that (SR4) it records 10-12 fps. In short, for around $2,500-$2,800 (or Euro or Pounds) you will get a FF SLT with 24MPX, 102 all cross AF, ISO50-25,600 (with +2 extension), 1080/p60, weather sealed body with built in Flash and optional vertical grip.
If those specs are correct the question is:

My impression is that the camera is aimed for sport photography and video. It’s where the cameras can beat the upcoming Nikon D800 and the Canon 5DmarkIII.