(SR5) NEX-7, A77 and lens rumors summary
A few readers asked me to make a summary of all future camera and lens specs. It’s easy to get lost with all those rumors going around the web.
Those rumors are coming form our SonyAlphaRumors sources. Please link back to SAR if you post those specs on your website. Thanks!
The Sony A77
Coming in mid July
Shipment start early October
Coming with new kit lens (A Sony 16-50mm zoom. Compared to the [shoplink 5586]Zeiss 16-80mm f/3.5-4.5[/shoplink] it will have a constant aperture and probably have a bit higher price. Zeiss 16-80mm price check at [shopcountry 5586].)
24 Megapixels (The combination of the new sensor+new Zeiss lens delivers 62% more resolution than the [shoplink 3617]A55 16 Megapixel sensor[/shoplink].)
1080p/30fps, 720p/60fps and 720p/30fps high-definition video
AF fine-tuning capabilities. A source told us that it has an improved focusing system (quite fast and accurate).
3 Million dot OLED viewfinder (more than double of the resolution fo the current [shoplink 3617]Sony A55/33[/shoplink] viewfinder.)
magnesium alloy
According to our sources it will be a little bit more expensive than the 60D. Canon 60D price check at [shopcountry 5117]
It will take CF+SD
No flip-up mode to allow shooting without this extra sheet of glass in place
1.000 pictures with one battery
The NEX-7
Coming in mid July
Shipment in September
High-quality body
Many manual controls.
Price $1.300 with kit lens
24 Megapixels
1080p/30fps, 720p/60fps and 720p/30fps high-definition video
It uses a 3 Million dot viewfinder (we don’t know yet if it’s external or buil-in)
16-50mm for Alpha mount (already mentioned inside the A77 specs)
500mm Sony G lens (to be announced along the Sony A77)
200mm f/2.0 (no release date yet)
55-200mm E-mount lens (late May)
24mm f/1.7 Zeiss E-mount lens (probably coming in late May)
A total of 4-5 Zeiss lenses will be announced within 2011 (I am working to find out the definitive specs)
NEX-C3 and A35
If you have some rumor to share contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com or use the anonymous contact form on the right sidebar. And invite your friends to follow us! Join us at Facebook, Twitter and follow our RSS-feed!
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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!