(SR3) One trusted source: 90% chance to see new E-mount announcement within two weeks
Sony Tokyo center
One trusted source who shared many correct info in the past told me this:
After yesterday, it is now time for next announcement. It’s about E-mount mirrorless system now. Within next 2 weeks for 90%
But so far I could not confirm this rumor with other trusted sources. One second trusted source said that yes for sure there will be an announcement some time before the PhotoPlus show (end of October). But he had no idea if the announcement will be within 2 weeks or later. I hope to be able to give you more info within the next few days.
“SR3” ranking explained:
While the one source whom shared the rumor is surely a trusted one I only do rank the rumor SR3 because it has not been confirmed by another trusted source yet. For now I give it a 60% chance that there might be an E-mount announcement within 2 weeks.
One more thing:
I can now confirm that journalists from all over the world are in Tokyo for a meeting with Sony. Sony paid their tickets and hotels. But none of the journalists have been told there might be an announcement. It happens 1-2 times a year that Sony invites journalists for a factory tour or interviews. So it might be that we won’t see any announcement today or tomorrow.
What can we expect to be announced by Sony?
What we know from sources is that new FE lenses should be announced really soon (135mm and 400mm FE). While I don’t expect a new A7 camera to be announced this month but I might be (hopefully for you) wrong.

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!