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(SR3) NEX-7, NEX-C5 and VG-20 coming in July-September?

[shoplink 3058][/shoplink] Before you read please keep in mind that I didn’t get a final confirmation for the following rumor. So please don’t get to excited? I am posting this because I hope other sources can confirm the rumor. A good source just sent me this. “July will also see the announcement of the A55 replacement (tentative) and the A77. In addition to the new A mount bodies, 2 new NEX photo products will also be discussed as well as the VG10 replacement.”

If all works fine than Sony will announce following products in July (or some of them in September):
The A77 with 24 Megapixel.
The A57 or A65 (not sure about the name yet) with less Megeapixels (?)
The NEX-7 which has the same sensor as the A77
The NEX-C5 with same A57/65
The VG20
The 16-50 f/2.8 Alpha Mount lens
The 24mm f/1.7 Zeiss NEX lens.
The 55-200mm NEX lens.
One more thing: The 500mm f/4.0 lens has been delayed!!!

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: On Tuesday June 14th from 19:00 to 24:00 GMT (London) time comments will be disabled. I am moving the website on a new faster server. That will allow me to avoid crashes during the upcoming Sony announcements. And I can finally add some features on this website (+ fix the current issues). The whole server+installation costs are $3700 high. If you want to help to cover the server costs feel free to use our affiliate links to make shopping ([shopcountry 7207]) or feel free to donate by using that paypal button:

. Thanks!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


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