Sony A7s the morning after: Pros and Cons and a SAR readers Poll.
So here we are. Awake after the very long A7s announcement night. If you missed the A7s live announcement you just have to watch the latest 5 minutes of this 1 hour long video at Livestram. To quickly get all the information you need about the camera check out the A7s sites in different languages at Sony US, DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, SE, FI, PL. The camera is listed at BHphoto but with no price or preorder option.
My first impression: This looks like a 4K camera made a bit in a hurry. And the not shared price info confirms that. So it’s hard to judge the camera without to know how much it actually costs but let’s sum the A7s weak and strong points:
– no 4K recording on SD cards (Panasonic GH4 does it!)
– almost same A7-A7r autofocus system (why not use the A6000 hybrid AF system?)
– no pixel binning at 4K
– 409,600 ISO!
– -4 EV auto focus sensitivity (A7-A7r has 0 ev)
– It has likely the best dynamic range and color fidelity of any Full Frame camera yet!
Professional videographers will use external recorders anyway (for 4:2:2 output) so the first cons I mentioned by not matter at all for them. I think the biggest strong point is the superb Image Quality you should get with the new 12 Megapixel Full Frame sensor. Would love to see some RAW’s of it! But I guess we will have to wait a couple of weeks until reviewers can test the camera. If the IQ is the best of any FF yet and the price is not too high than this could be a good day for pure photographers too!
And here are some more new news about the A7s: Hands-on at Newsshooter, Hands-on pics by Dpreview, New Atomos 4K recorder for the A7s (Cinema5d), French presentation at Alpha Numerique, German press text at Photoscala, Short Japanese text at
Let’s see what SAR readers think about the new A7s:

Image samples (Click on it to enlarge):