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Sigma 30mm will not be made for A-mount “due to the older version selling poorly”


The 30mm f/1.4 Canon mount version

SAR reader Okie-Centric (Thanks!) got an answer from Sigma about their new 30mm f/1.4 lens not being available as A-mount versions:

Upon inquiring about the future of Sigma A-Mount lenses, got this response. There was a little back & forth too. Now I like Sigma all the more, for their quick and personal response(s)…..
Good morning,
We will still be making Sony mount for some of the new Global Vision lenses. The new 35mm as well as the new 17-70 both have Sony versions. The new 120-300 won’t be in Sony, but the older version wasn’t either. The only upgraded lens that has dropped Sony was the new 30mm and from I can tell, that was due to the older version selling poorly. Our parent company didn’t see the demand for the lens and therefore decided not to produce it.
Please be assured that going forward, Sigma will still be producing lenses for Sony cameras, however which new lenses get made in Sony are determined on a case by case basis.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day!
——-(name removed)
SIGMA Corporation of America”

That’s bad news. By the way, the old 30mm lens version wans’t really a good quality lens (see test at Photozone). That could also be a reaosn why they didn’t sell many A-mount lenses!

P.S.: The new 35mm f/1.4 will ship next week according to BHphoto (Click here).

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