Nikon announces the A77 with optical viewfinder :)
Nikon just unveiled the new Nikon D3200 which uses the same Sony 24 Megapixel sensor of the [shoplink 8461]Sony A77[/shoplink] sensor. It will be very interesting to see if there is any noticeable difference in terms of RAW image quality due the Sony’s transparent mirror and Nikon own “tweaks”. Price and specs info of the Nikon are up at Amazon (Click here). I guess DxOmark will soon test the camera and speaking of DxOmark they just published the Canon 5DmarkIII test. Why is it interesting? It has exactly the same score of the [shoplink 8454]Sony NEX-7[/shoplink]! CLick here to see the markIII versus NEX-7 comparison.
By the way, the 5DmarkIII shipment will very likely stopped soon (according to CanonWatch).