Interview with Sony manager Iwatsuki-san (Faster and also more compact lenses are definitely high on the priority list)
What’s the Future of the Sony A7x Series? An Exclusive Interview at Sony HQ from cinema5D on Vimeo.
Cinema5D posted that video interview with Iwatsuki-san who is a senior manager for product planning at Sony industry consumer electronics. This are just some of the answers he gave:
1) The market is shrinking but the pro and enthusiast market is revitalizing the market
2) In the future Photography and Videography will merge into one big industry. The future is bright.
3) Mirrorless today means high quality, small size and light weight.
4) Our mirrorless business is increasing. But it’s not a success yet because we are still a challenger. We are not a champion yet. We are trying to create innovative products that didn’t exist before.
5) Small cameras and big lens issues: First we are trying to expand our lens range as quick as possible. And we carefully list to our customers voice. The first lenses were focused on high quality lenses and that’s why they are big. But in the future we will make more compact lenses. And we do recognize the need of faster lenses.